Ecchinswell Village Hall


The Hall

Pricing as follows: April - October (Summer Season) £12 per hour or £120 FRI/SAT noon til 23:45.

November - March £14 per hour or £135 FRI/SAT noon til 23:45. All prices include Warm Air heating, Infra red heating is available at extra cost. Contact Jill for more details.

Discounted rates for parishioners, prices on application

The Grounds

Football: £45 per pitch per day.
Cricket: £45 per day.
Changing rooms included.
Hall & Verandah included:
£10 per day.

The Playground

...just enjoy yourselves and try to leave it as you found it for other children of the village.

Who to contact


Jill Hamilton 07747 494521


Steve Fionda 07884 111131


Ecchinswell Village Hall 2001 to 2011

Dear all,
In the previous ten years we have been blessed with a new purpose built village hall.  The hall was constructed more for a sports hall, with design faults and it became difficult to hire out for social functions.  These problems were identified and corrected with the help of the committee and fund raising group, we are also supported by several local trusts.  We are indebted to Greenham Common Trust for their support and other charities and government departments.  We have upgraded the floor, fitted a new suspended ceiling, added insulation, lights, heating and car park tarmac, all to make the hall more user friendly.
Upgrading the second playing pitch, to allow junior teams to play adjacent to senior teams.  We have also repaired the play park.  We have some money in the bank and a regular hiring schedule of local clubs and interest for further functions in the hall.

Ecchinswell Village Hall 2011 to 2021

‘The way forward’.
The ethos for the hall is to maintain it and keep it in good condition.  To improve the hall, playing fields, and car park.  To provide a lasting asset for Ecchinswell, Sydmonton and Bishops Green parishioners to use and enjoy.
We are fortunate in having a large playing field, which can accommodate two football pitches and room for a cricket wicket in the middle of them.  We aim to capitalise on these with the introduction of a new all weather pitch, which can be used for training in inclement weather for sports such as cricket, hockey, 5 aside football, etc all being good physical activities for the youngsters, keeping mind and body in good condition.  Solar panels are being considered, to allow the upgrading of the failing heating system and allowing us to sell the surplus electricity,  to help increase the income for the hall.  We wish to retain our local user groups Karate, bowls, keep fit classes, brownies, guides, school play groups etc.  Special thanks must be given to local resident Shirley Thompson, who has relentlessly looked after so many of the smaller user groups over many years.
If anybody in the community, has contact with the peerage, would they consider nominating her for an OBE/MBE for her service to the community, which she deserves.
We have secured a local sponsorship from Greenham Common Trust who has generously offered to match any funds raised ie 50% x 50% or for every £1 you raise they will match with a £1.




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