'What would you attempt to do if you knew you couldn't fail?'
Dr. Robert Schuller
Our team of experts also offer lifestyle packages to our clients. Grosvenor Associates has experienced specialists in each field who work one-on-one with clients to achieve their objectives. Our clients have benefited from these packages in order to improve their mindset in various strands of their lives:
» Personal and professional life coaching
A life coach can help you clarify your ambitions and identify the strengths you already possess within you. You can develop new empowering beliefs, create new strengths and build upon them to provide a strong foundation for a better life. Coaching will help you set compelling and achievable goals, and provide you with clear action plans to achieve them, whilst keeping you motivated, focused and overcoming any obstacles that stand in your way.
You could think of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) as an owner's manual for the brain. It is the science of how the brain codes learning and experience. This coding affects all communication and behaviour. It affects how you learn and how you perceive the world around you. It is a key to reaching goals and achieving excellence.
Image has become an aspect of life that is increasingly hard to ignore. An image consultation provides important self-knowledge which can result in improved appearance and increased self-confidence. It is essential to take into account your personality, lifestyle and health and only by so doing is it possible to ensure that all our clients feel confident about themselves and always look their best. Amongst other things, a consultation will include a style assessment, wardrobe management and personal shopping.
The key to a healthy mind is a healthy body. Whether you are a fitness addict or just looking start a fitness regime, our recommendation is to devise a programme. As with everything else, motivation is the key and a structured programme to achieve your objectives will be invaluable.