Chairman's LetterHistoryPPORA CommitteeConstitution


  1. The Association shall be called the Point-to-Point Owners' & Riders' Association.
  2. The Association is formed to promote the interests of the owners and riders of horses running in point to points and hunters' steeplechases throughout the United Kingdom in such a manner as the Committee shall from time to time think fit.
  3. The Association shall consist of honorary members, life members and ordinary members, and such other classes of membership as the Committee shall from time to time determine.
  4. Any person shall be eligible for membership provided their application is accepted and they remain acceptable to the Committee .
  5. Each application shall be accompanied by a remittance for the relevant subscription payable, which shall be returned to the applicant in the event of his membership not being confirmed.

  6. On the admission of a new member to membership of the Association the Secretary shall notify the same to him in writing, and furnish him with a membership card as a receipt for his subscription and a copy of the Rules.
  7. The Subscription, payable by members, shall from time to time, be fixed by the Committee, in their absolute discretion.

  8. The annual subscription shall be payable in advance and shall be due on the First day of January in each year and if no subscription shall have been received from a member within Twenty-eight days of the date upon which his subscription is due then his membership shall lapse. Should any member wish to compete in any race (as Owner or Rider) where participation is restricted to PPORA Membership, subscription must be paid prior to the start of that particular event.
  9. Any member may resign his membership by giving the Secretary notice in writing to that effect, provided that, a member resigning during the currency of a subscription year shall not be entitled to a refund in respect of any subscription paid or payable by him in respect of that year.
  10. If at any time the Committee shall in their absolute discretion consider the interests of the Association so require they may expel any member or refuse an application for membership.
  11. The officers of the Association shall consist of a Chairman and a Secretary/Treasurer.
  12. Except as otherwise provided for by these Rules the management of the affairs of the Association shall be elected every three years and shall consist of not more than Twenty-two persons including:

    (a) A President and a Vice-President (if appointed)

    (b) The Chairman

    (c) The Vice-Chairman

    (d) The Secretary/Treasurer

    (e) One member from each of the areas specified at the end of these Rules.

    (f) Three Area Riders Representatives

    Any vacancies during the year shall be filled by the Committee who shall also have the power to co-opt members. At the first full Committee meeting after the Annual Meeting of the Association, the Committee shall elect its Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The Chairman shall also act as Chairman at Committee meetings during the year and shall have the casting vote or additional vote in the event of an inequality of votes.

  13. At any time the Committee may appoint such sub-committees as it may deem necessary or expedient for the proper and efficient running of the affairs of the Association. The Committee and the officers of the Association shall be entitled to attend all meetings of all sub-committees as ex-officio members thereof.

  14. The names of members to be nominated for election to the Committee, of the Association, shall be notified to the Secretary by post and such nominations shall include the names of the proposers and seconders (who shall have obtained the permission of the nominee). Election will be by postal vote.

    After the three-year term of office those members shall be confirmed in that position for a further term of three years by the Committee. After a second term, further election will be decided by postal vote. Retiring members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election, and shall not require re-nomination.

    Election of Riders' Representatives will take place every three years and will be by agreement of the Committee with consultation with the Areas concerned.

    When thought fit, a President and a Vice-President may be appointed. Once appointed, there will be no further re-elections.

  15. At Committee meetings 5 members shall form a quorum.

  16. At Annual Meetings 12 members shall form a quorum.

  17. An Annual Meeting shall be held at least once in each calendar year notice of which shall be circulated to the members at least Fourteen days prior to the date fixed for such a meeting specifying the nature of any business to be transacted at the meeting. A statement of accounts of the Association made up to date not more than Three months prior to the date of the meeting will be available at the meeting for any member who requires one.

  18. An Extraordinary Meeting of the members may be called by the Committee or after the receipt by the Secretary of a requisition in writing signed by Fifty voting members stating the nature of the business to be transacted. In the latter case the meeting shall be convened within Twenty-one days of the receipt of such requisition. Notices of such meeting to include details of the nature of the business to be transacted thereat shall be sent to every member of the association not less than Fourteen days before the date thereof.

  19. No Rule of the Association shall be repealed. No new Rule made save by a majority of two thirds of the members present and voting at an Annual Meeting or Extraordinary Meeting. Notice of such proposed new Rule duly proposed and seconded must be given to the Secretary at least Twenty eight days before the date of the meeting and the Secretary must give at least Fourteen days notice in writing to every member of the Association thereof.

  20. At all general meetings of the Association honorary members, life members and ordinary members shall be entitled to vote and the Chairman shall have a casting or additional vote in the event of an equality of votes.

  21. Any question as to the interpretation of these Rules or of any amendment thereto shall be determined by the Committee whose decision shall be final and binding upon the members.

  22. No funds or other property of the Association shall be paid or distributed amongst members of the Association, other than approved expenses, but shall be applied towards the furtherance of the Association's objectives or for any charitable object. In the event of the dissolution of the Association the funds remaining will be devoted to objects similar to those of the Association or for some charitable purpose.

Areas Referred To In Rule 12(E) Hereof:

South East West Midlands
Sandhurst South Midlands
Wessex East Anglia
Devon & Cornwall Midlands
South Wales & Monmouthshire North West
West Wales Yorkshire
Welsh Border Northern



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