Supporting clinical research to improve the quality of life for people living with HIV / AIDS

Sexual Health for Adolescents

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A half day study day designed for A & E nurses, school nurses, midwives, practice nurses and all healthcare professionals who come into contact with young people. This study day will give you the necessary information and skills to:

  1. talk to young people regarding sex
  2. discuss pregnancy issues - where to go and what to do if the test is positive
  3. be able to demonstrate how to use condoms
  4. recognise signs and symptoms of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  5. be aware of the Child Protection Act, the new law and forensics

Date: Friday 3rd June 2005
Cost: Free


Point of Care Study Day

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This is a one day study day of lectures and workshops for nurses, health advisors, doctors and service managers in rapid, point of care HIV testing. Through practical demonstrations, lectures and workshops, delegates will be shown how to perform this new method of HIV testing which enables results to be given in 15 minutes and which can be performed in a non-clinical environment.

Monday 24th October 2005
Monday 4th July 2005
Cost: Free
CPD accredited  

Antiretroviral Treatment Support Workshop

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This one day programme is designed for nurses, pharmacists, dietitians and health advisers working in HIV and AIDS to enhance their knowledge and to share experiences of providing antiretroviral treatment support. Talks include:

  1. HAART: a pharmacology refresher
  2. Current clinical trials
  3. Drug resistance
  4. Motivation and health beliefs
  5. Needs of minority groups case study discussions
  6. Side effect management
  7. Developing competency frameworks for nurses

Date: Tuesday 13th September 2005
Cost: £50

Sexually Transmitted Infection Foundation (STIF) Course

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Applications for this course are welcomed from doctors and nurses working in general practice or family planning and reproductive health; GUM NCCGs, health advisers, secondary care clinicians who may encounter patients with STIs and school nurses. Topics will include:

  1. Epidemiology
  2. Principles of STI service provision
  3. Sexual history skills
  4. How to raise STIs in primary care
  5. Management of sexual partners
  6. The challenge of health promotion
  7. HIV testing in practice
  8. Clinical scenarios and management

Date: Monday 3rd & Tuesday 4th October 2005
Cost: £195
CPD accredited


HIV: What you need to know

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This two day course is aimed at general practitioners, hospital doctors, clinical nurse specialists, practice nurses and all healthcare professionals to develop and update knowledge of all aspects of HIV disease including:

  1. primary and early diagnosis
  2. late diagnosis and AIDS
  3. current treatments, adherence and resistance
  4. principles of immunology
  5. HIV testing in practice
  6. mental health problems in HIV
  7. vertical transmission
  8. hepatitis and HIV
  9. ethical issues
  10. and a patient panel

Date: Thursday 10th & Friday 11th November 2005
Cost: £195
CPD accredited


Genital Skin Conditions & the Dermatology of HIV Disease

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A two day course for consultant & trainee dermatologists, consultant & trainee GUM doctors, family practitioners and specialist nurses designed to develop and update clinicians knowledge of the management of skin conditions associated with HIV disease and vulval and penile dermatology. Delegates may choose to do either or both days.

Day 1 covers the dermatology of HIV including:

  1. recent advances in immunology and virology of HIV
  2. dermato-pathology of cutaneous manifestations of HIV
  3. viral skin disease in HIV
  4. adverse drug reactions in HIV
  5. fungal skin disease in HIV
  6. Kaposi's Sarcoma
  7. cutaneous lymphomas and the management of cutaneous manifestations in HIV disease

Day 2 covers ano-genital dermatoses including:

  1. audits of penile and vulval clinics
  2. infections of genital skin including warts
  3. inflammatory skin conditions (psoriasis, eczema, LS.LP)
  4. intra epithelial neoplasia
  5. VIN III diagnosis and medical management and surgical management of penile lesions

Date: Monday 12th & Tuesday 13th December 2005
Cost: £100 for one day, £195 for both days
CPD accredited
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