November 2015
The Lichens of Jersey was launched at the Société Jersiaise with a lecture given by Simon Davey on 'The Lichens of Jersey' and copies were signed by both authors.
At the AGM of the local Branch of the FSB, Amanda Davey was voted as Secretary.
September 2015
It's Warmer Down Below: the autobiography of Sir Harold Harding, 1900-1986 is published by Tilia Publishing UK and launched in the splendid surroundings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Library.
August 2015
The Lichens of Jersey published by the Société Jersiaise.
June 2015
Tilia Publishing starts to sell cards in a number of outlets in Sussex and the National Park. Cards of Ditchling sell out at a local event.
April 2015
Amanda Davey was again invited to attend the Harding Prize presentations by the British Tunnelling Society (BTS) named after Sir Harold Harding, founding Chairman. Following some extremely interesting submissions by the three candidates, the prize went to a young engineer working on the Victoria Underground Station improvements, threading new infrastructure through small, mind-boggling available spaces.
April/June 2014
Amanda Davey was invited to attend the events held by the British Tunnelling Society (BTS) named after the founding Chairman, Sir Harold Harding (her grandfather): the Harding Prize in April and the Harding Lecture given by Dr Donald Lamont on Health and Safety in Tunnelling. The April Prize went to the young engineer who was at the controls of the tunnel boring machine that went 'through the eye of the needle' as shown on BBC2's Crossrail programme 'Fifteen Billion Pound Railway' and there was also an opportunity to give a 5-minute presentation on the forthcoming and long-awaited autobiography written by Sir Harold Harding in his last ten years following an exceptional and influential career. The audience of the BTS was warm and receptive and laughed in all the right places and a few more. It was given in the style of the man he was, one of his instructions to his grandchildren was, if giving talks, to make sure to put in a joke or two every ten minutes to break things up a bit and keep the audience awake. In five minutes that would only allow for half a joke, really, but since it was entertainment and the book is fascinating and entertaining, there were quite a few.
May/June 2013
Revamp of the Tilia Services website is released. After years of sitting in a format with unusual Flash elements, the opportunity has been taken to remove all trace of Flash and make the site more in tune with the visual nature of much of the Tilia Services workload, which it is hoped will make all site visitors feel more appreciated and valued.
Scilly Birding published by Brambleby Books
The book, Scilly Birding: Joining the Madding Crowd, written by Simon Davey and illustrated by Amanda Davey, was published by Brambleby Books on April 25th. It is an engaging and humorous account of two weeks spent learning how to be a Scilly Birder and the illustrations were drawn to augment the text and give an evocative atmosphere of active birding on the Isles of Scilly.
Learning Twitter
Social media is considered to hold large benefits in terms of contacts and networking. The jury is out over how much this really works in a Business to Business world where small businesses and small companies are pressed for time at all times. Amanda Davey uses LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter but by far and away prefers Twitter as a source of information and ideas. It can be quite a game of chance, but several good things have happened through Twitter and it is a great deal warmer a place than the naysayers would believe.