V-tex® Licensees
For the UK and all areas excluding USA, Middle East and Eastern Europe contact:
ERG (Air Pollution Control) Limited
Enterprise House,
Foundry Lane,
West Sussex
RH13 5PX,
Contact: Keith Delderfield
E-mail: keith.delderfield@ergapc.co.uk
Telephone: 00 44 1403 221000
Fax: 00 44 1403 221001
For the Middle East contact:
ERG's Middle East office
122 Ali Al Hussaini Complex,
Al Shaheed Street,
Sport City,
PO Box 17246,
Contact: Yousif Al Shafie
E-mail: yousif.alshafie@ergapc-me.com
Telephone: 00 962 6515 9021
Fax: 00 962 6515 9031
For the USA contact:
Salare Inc.
88 Parham Spring Lane,
P.O. Box 583,
NC 27536,
Contact: Robert Esquivel
E-mail: resquivel@salareinc.com
Telephone: 001 - 252 431 1208 or 1-800-293-1004
Fax: 001 - 252 430 0025
For Eastern Europe contact:
Prospect spol, sr.o.
Projekeni kancelar,
Perucka 2540/11a,
120 00 Praha 2,
Czech Republic
Contact: Pavel Kolomaznik
E-mail: Kolomaznik@prospect-praha.cz
Telephone: 00 420 2222 520 407
For New Zealand contact:
Jonassen Industrial Projects Ltd
85 Oteha Valley Road,
New Zealand
Contact: Chris Jonassen
E-mail: chris@jipl.co.nz
Telephone: + 64 9 479 3952