<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Assets/MasterPages/MasterParentBasic.master" Inherits="CoultardLtd.Publisher.WebUI.Windows.PageBase" %> <%@ Register Assembly="CoultardLtd.Common.Web" Namespace="CoultardLtd.Common.Web.UI.WebControls" TagPrefix="cc" %> <%@ Register Src="~/Assets/UserControls/Footer.ascx" TagName="Footer" TagPrefix="pap" %>

To commence charging:

  1. Insert you connector / plug into the vehicle ensuring that it is fully located and securely fixed
  2. Present your access fob to the area of the screen as marked and shown below:

  3. Enter your 4 PIN security code into the key pad as above
  4. Once authorised the door will automatically open
  5. Insert your Paddle Plug into the socket
  6. Close the door fully until it clicks

The charging of your vehicle will commence and the ring of LED lights will start to turn. The screen will indicate how much power is being consumed and inform you that the Recharge is in Process.

To stop charging:

  1. Present your access fob / key to the screen as above
  2. Enter your 4 PIN code
  3. The door will pop open and the recharge will stop
  4. Open the access door fully
  5. Remove your Paddle Plug
  6. Close the door until it clicks
  7. Remove the cable from your vehicle

Fold away your Power Lead and store safely.

To check the rates payable per unit of power consumed please see Charging Tariff.