PPORA Members Letter Subjects for Review
PPORA Members Letter
June 2006
Dear PPORA Member,
Point-to-Point Review - 2006.
As you will have read in the Chairman's recent PPORA newsletter, I have been asked to chair a complete review of the sport of Point-to-Pointing. To those of you who attended the PPORA AGM, you will have heard further details as Simon Claisse asked me to make a presentation on the subject at that meeting.
As Simon said in the latest Newsletter, this is your chance "to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our sport". At a time when the Racing Industry is being totally restructured, point-to-pointing will definitely see some changes, so I do urge you to become involved in this process.
On the reverse of this letter you will see the Terms of Reference of the Review and a list of the members of the Working Group who are aiding me with this task.
Written submissions are invited on the list of subjects listed below, or any other subject of concern for that matter, by closing date of 20th July. Some meetings can then be arranged from the start of September to discuss these submissions. We, the Working Group, are there to hear your views, and to take account of them when producing our report.
As an alternative, you could respond to a sub-committee set up by the PPORA, chaired by Katherine Smith-Maxwell, Tel No. 01905 391206 / E-mail: katherinesmith-maxwell@hotmail.com
I look forward to hearing from many of you. I know your views on many varied matters will give us much food for thought. We commence the process with an open mind and without preconceived solutions to any problems. In the most part, we consider the sport in good shape but do feel that, after twenty years since the last review, the process is well overdue.
Yours sincerely
Richard Russell
Telephone: 01327 361394
E-mail: russell@windyedgeherd.fsnet.co.uk
The Terms of Reference are as follows:
To review the development of the sport of Point-to-Point Racing since 1986.
To identify and consider future requirements of the sport.
To submit recommendations, as considered necessary, to the Point-to-Point Board. There is a strong intention to have this completed by the end of December 2006.
The Working Group is to assume that the current hunt network is to remain in place as was the case before, and since the Ban on Hunting in November 2005 has taken place.
Working Group Members.
Membership of the working party is:
Mr. Richard Russell (Chairman)
Mr. Dominic Alers-Hankey
Mrs. Liddy Bethell
Mr. Andrew Merriam
Mrs. Caroline Robinson
Mr. Simon Tindall
Mr. George Welch
Miss. Lucy Brack (Secretary)
Submissions are invited in writing by a closing date of Thursday, 20th July 2006 to:
Point-to-Point Review
C/O Miss Lucy Brack
Point-to-Point Department
151 Shaftesbury Avenue
London. WC2H 8AL
or by email: lbrack@thehra.org