Acceptance of Enrolment |
- Written acceptance of the enrolment by Prospect
forms a firm and binding agreement for the period specified on the enrolment
- Enrolments are only accepted once the
non-refundable deposit of £100 has been sent with a completed enrolment
- All students will take a placement test
on their arrival and can join the class most suitable for them from
the following Monday.
- Home stay accommodation will be
available from midday on the Sunday before the students starts a
Course and Accommodation
Fees |
- An invoice will be sent to cover course
fees and home stay accommodation fees on receipt of a completed
enrolment form.
- Fees must be received by Prospect at
least two weeks before a course commences.
Holidays, Withdrawals and
Expulsion |
- The student is accepted on the
understanding that they will stay at Prospect for the duration of
their course.
- There will be no refunds in the event of
late arrivals, withdrawals, unauthorised absences or dismissals from
the school.
- The school reserves the right to dismiss
a student for misconduct, unsatisfactory work or poor attendance. In
this event no fees are refundable.
- Students are permitted to take holidays
once they have booked a course with school for18 weeks, have completed
a minimum of 12 weeks study and booked the holidays on arrival at the
Class Allocations |
- Students will be placed in a class
suitable to their standard once they have completed the placement
- If a student struggles in that class or
finds the work not challenging enough we will place the student in a
more suitable class.
- We reserve the right to change a
student's class in the event of poor work, non-attendance or poor
Liability |
- In the event of death or illness, the
school will not accept liability unless the cause is proven to be
negligence by the school or school staff.
- We do not accept liability for the loss
of any student's property or for extra expenses incurred by
circumstances beyond our control such as riot, war, sickness etc.
- We do not insure students to cover
sickness, accidents, hospital costs, dental costs, drug expenses or
loss of property.
- We recommend students take out insurance
in their home country for the duration of their stay to cover illness,
accident and loss of property or a need to return home due to
unforeseen circumstances.
Accommodation |
- Prospect acts only as an agent for host
family accommodation. In the event of disputes or problems Prospect
will make every effort to resolve the problems and find alternative
accommodation should it be necessary.
Cancellation |
- Students or their sponsors or agents
should notify Prospect of any cancellation at least two full
weeks before the course begins. Refunds will be given at the
discretion of the School.