0870 Banner


You can be a 4Free Associate and give away mobiles phones, including the superb Nokia 7110 WAP phone.  Why would anyone PAY for a mobiles phone when they can get one FREE from you.  You earn £10 for every free phone you give away, that get connected to a UK network.

Giving away 0870 (UK National Rate) numbers, absolutely FREE, could not be easier, with no work or effort on your part, and with the opportunity to earn a residual income that continues month after month, year after year.

Businesses and charities love the idea that by using an 0870 number they can earn 1p for every minute they are called during normal business hours. Their customers still only pay the standard UK national rate for the call. You in return earn 0.1p. That means that for every minute that business is called, they receive 1p and you receive 10% of their total as commission, which they and you continue to receive for as long as they continue to use that number. All you have to do is host our banner on your site and do nothing else. There surely is no other banner on the Internet that can make you money so easily with no work. 

By hosting this banner one simple click though could earn you £’s every month. Why would a business not want one of these numbers. Just look at the advantages to a business and to yourself in giving away 0870’s.

The advantages to a business taking an 0870 are numerous.

A connected 0870 is earning the business and yourself an income.

Every incoming call is earning 1p a minute for the business.

You earn 10% of their total revenue.

Easy to give away as the numbers are free and no money changes hands.

You earn a residual income after giving the numbers away.

You do not have to do anything else except receive your monthly residual income from each connected number.

Businesses taking 0870 numbers are extremely unlikely to change them, ensuring residual income for years to come.

It is so easy to start. All you need to do is host the above banner on your site and link to your own on-line sign-up page, which also explains all the benefits to a business in using an 0870 number. This page can be customised with your own logo etc. We do the rest. There is no work or contact on your part needed. Any person filling in your on-line form is automatically attributed to you and we will then send you a monthly commission cheque for all users that have taken and continue to use an 0870 number.

All you need to do is click on the ‘YES Sign Me Up’ button below, and we will get you started.

Yes, Sign Me Up.
Yes, Sign Me Up

Premium Rate Numbers - National Rate Numbers - The Big Number Change - Reduce your Bill
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