4Free Associates Signup
Please fill in the form on this page, read our TERMS AND CONDITIONS before continuing.
The 4Free Associate program is only for suitable if you have your own website.  If you do not have your own web site you can join the 4Free Resellers Program.
(Please enter the full name and address of the Person or Company to whom payments will be made)

Full Name
Company   Put NONE if no Company.
Website Name
URL http://
Post Code
Country (UK Only at present)
Associate ID   Create your own ID as follows.  Put your First and Last Initials followed by your day, month and year of birth. (xxDDMMYY)
(eg. JS010169 for John Smith, 1 Jan 1969)
Verify Password

By checking this box I affirm that I have read, understand and agree to all TERMS AND CONDITIONS

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