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ICFDA - International Coalition For Drug Awareness

  • Our Purpose

  • To provide a drop-in centre with a relaxed professional atmosphere, where you can access a wide variety of information in complete confidence.

  • Information Available

  • Clued-up.info based in Crowborough, East Sussex is an Information Shop for young people aged between 11 and 25 years. We provide advice and information on any subject. These include education, training and employment, sex and relationships, family problems, justice and equality, health, housing and welfare, money, sport, leisure and travel, mental health and depression, bullying, alcohol and drug awareness, as well as counselling and liasing with other agencies on your behalf. If we don't know the answer, we guarantee to find out for you!

  • What will be there??

  • The shop will provide a place for you to obtain information and advice from our trained staff or via the internet. There are 2 computers available, with high-speed internet access, for you to use free of charge. Its central location means you can drop in on the way home from school – the shop is open on Monday 2-5pm, Tuesday 2-7pm, Wednesday 7-9pm, Thursday and Friday from 2-5 p.m. Saturdays are 11-1pm for emergencies only. For details contact 07812407537.

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