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Disability Living Allowance
Did you know that deafened people are entitled to claim the DLA?
The DLA is a benefit to help people with disabilities and includes people who have become deafened. It is a non- means tested benefit and is tax-free. It is available for anyone between the ages of 16 and 65 years. Many deafened people do not claim the DLA. This is partly because they are not aware they are entitled to it, and partly because the DLA form can be complicated to fill in - many questions may initially not appear relevant to people with a hearing loss.
The DLA form is available from your local Benefits Agency: goto or
However, help is at hand. Hearing Concern LINK has joined forces with the National Association for Deafened People and Enfield Disability Action to publish a booklet called 'Disability Living Allowance - deafened people can claim it'. It gives step-by-step, question-by-question guidance with filling in the DLA form with specific reference to deafness and communication. There is also a secondary leaflet giving help in the event that your first application is turned down, and you have to appeal. The price for the pair is £4 for members, and £5 for non-members.
To order these booklets please download our order form, and return it to our office in Eastbourne (the address is on the form).